
Special Film Service

A rchipelago Film Service operation is making special film in Indonesia offers a wide variety of topics and subjects ans stunning vibrants locations, peoples, cultures and enviromentals. Our experience will assist your documentary filming in Indonesia. Either you coming with your team or we can produce it remotely for you. Assure your remote research for making documentary filming in Indonesia are valid, and creating a strong-sharp story audio and visually.

Starting from collecting data aligning with provided synopsis and story line and verifying interviewees. Gathering on-field data and verify the initial data that you have to make the documentary film is more factual, valid, current and perhaps could lead to extent the references findings.

Then to identify the visual technical data of weather, locations,sun path, sun rise and sets, best timing as per scenario, and special events that may required for the filming.Other to research and confirm along with visual identification is the audio, whether the locations suit, ambiance noise or sounds or any audio interference when you use wireless system.

How to get there in the most productive ways and less travel time, considering and suggesting accommodation and transportation method, working hours for crew and crew meal arrangement during the shooting.From all above confirming data, we will presenting the budget, and some possibilities and how the available information/ events/ locations will support the story of your documentary film.