

Our Fixer Services & Facilitation

Archipelago Film Service operation is to ensure your production running smoothly with detailed attention to preparation, looking ahead for any possibilities, to be successful production that be well planned, well execute, well managed. With experienced team and specialize in their expertise, we have no hesitation to handle big or small filming production. We cover facilitation and services as below.

Nationwide Location Services.

Doing research prior production team arrive, validate interviewee sources, acquire information on locations permit cost and availability, local crew sourcing, gear rental pricing, equipment, transport survey, travel time management, accommodation suggestion, local advising and assisting visa application in the embassy (by Jakarta ministry)

Preparation service / Pre Production

Location Scouting, Assessment Location availability, Local Custom advise, Securing location and Permits. Cost and fee to use the locations for shooting.Please note that some National Parks require additional permit

Preparation service / Pre Production

Location Scouting, Assessment Location availability, Local Custom advise, Securing location and Permits. Cost and fee to use the locations for shooting.Please note that some National Parks require additional permit

Liaising with Local Government.

Liaising with Local Government for securing journalist visa and filming permit. Providing support document from our company to facilitate your permit, sponsorship letter.

Assisting you when you enter the country in the local custom service for your luggage and equipment that you carry with or without ATA/CARNET (some country are ATA CARNET country aome are not, please use ATA CARNET whenever in avaiable county.

Organization of Travel and Logistic management

Sea, Air and Land travel arrangement, Hotel and domestic flights arrangement. Freight service importing equipment.

Car hire for crew,

or special car for casts, or producer, security escort for travelling. Luggage car from airport or during the production.Travel management, travel time estimation

Food, crafty and accomodation

Helps you for the food, crafty and location setting. or help getting purchase if necessary.

Shipment of Hard Drives

Helps you on shipping your backup harddrive to your country of editor.

Local Security

Facilitate local security if required, whether in locations of for the hero/casts/talents.

Contracting & Hiring.

Contracting and hiring local crews, rent facilitation, equipment, transport rentals, helicopter charter on the best negotiated price with supplier and subcontracts.

Local crew support, local castings, extras, gaffer, grips, cameramen, DOP, props, tax information on hiring.

Release form and contract form for the extras.

Insurance advise of the local crew.


Budgeting to local standard and rates, maintaining and tracking budget during production. Bargaining to meet your expected budget whenever possible. Open straight and honest pricing and cost calculation.

Shooting permit and travel permit

Shooting permit and travel permit from the national police headquarter and local police for all Indonesia, including Papua filming permit and location permit.

Custom & Local Advises

Local custom advises to obey the local cultures rules and law. Some local sets are expecting some extra costs.

Provide translation

Provide translator from Local language to English or other language. Translating document and legal paper using notary service.

Health support

Emergency precaution, Insurance advise, hospital advise, first aid treatment standard of 1st aider person class 1. Risk assessment on insurance and crew insurance. Emergency helicopter on standby, Doctor on standby, medical evacuation plan, nearby hospital and international medical evacuation to other international health facility.

Facilitate local sim cards with data for crew and internet connections.

Local communication

Setting up VHF/UHF communication standard, repeaters, licensing to use the radio communication frequency, Satellite internet connection and satellite phone communication.